An American At Home in Meatpacking
industry city smoke stacks
roll out like dough
spread their shape across the
cutting board sky
strangers in the window
faces aglow with
reflections of reflections
chasing light chasing purpose
united in disconnect
carry their phones like torches
seek to kill the beast
who lives in their own chests
there he builds his castle
out of history and shame
we cushion the sharp edges with
wonderbread and buttermilk
sunday funday and go go disco
to digest:
swallow the process
fuel your stalling engine with
coffee and cigarettes
huddles on avenues to release
hide behind our glowing shields
prepare for our
internal civil war
to protect:
collect your information cloud
force it higher in attempt
to be out of reach
if I can't reach you you're safe
didn't you know?
Operation Absence
report for duty
America calling
who knows to which front
you could be sent
The War on Terror
The War on Privilege
The War on Love
we'd rather choose solitary
confine my awareness please
I don't want to wake up
I don't want to die
as long as I have my cloud
there's no need for the sky